Sunday, October 18, 2009

Exchanges Sent Out Are Received

Alison sent me an e-mail that she received the fall ornament that I sent her for the All Seasons Ornament Exchange. I designed to stitch her JBW's Autumn Pumpkin. Here is a pic:

I am glad you like it Alison..I enjoyed stitching it for you.

The next exchange I sent was to Lynn B. for the Hooked on Exchanging Halloween Exchange. Lynn e-mailed me to let me know it arrived and she likes it! I stitched Lynn Waxing Moon's The Spooks Are Out. I also sent a LHN pattern that she didn't have and a fat quarter. Here are some pics:

I also completed my section of the Emblem of Love rr I am participating in. I stitched on Margaret's piece and she used some lovely red thread! Very pretty. Now it will be on its way to Edgar tomorrow!

Here is a pic:

Now I will be contining working on my Christmas exchanges and some other gifts and hopefully working in a few things for myself too.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hugs and happy stitching.
Wendy Jo


Cindy's Stitching said...

The exchanges are so pretty. The RR must be fun to participate in.

Cathy B said...

Hi Wendy - great fall exchanges! I've been watching your Emblem of Love RR on a number of blogs - what a great piece!

Carol R said...

I love the JBW Autumn Pumpkin!